Stick Warbuddhist Games

Play the game Stick War, one of the biggest most fun, challenging, and addicting stick figure games online. Control your army in formations or play each unit, you have total control. Build units, mine gold, learn the way of the Sword, Spear, Archer, Mage, and even Giant. Destroy the enemy statue, and capture all Territories. Games STICK WAR. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Home Popular Games. The poem, I’ve always felt, is an opportunity for me to create an integrated whole from so many broken shards -Rafael Campo. Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 – Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY. Morons on top of Morons: How we take America back. FK – The French resistance was mostly communists and they killed people and blew things up. That’s what happens in war.

Stick warbuddhist games game


“That love is all there is,
Is all we know of love.”

Emily Dickinson

I resist writing about scars because there are so many, and I am tired of writing about scars.

There are scars in the earth from fracking and drilling.

There are the scars of wars, which involve not only the murder of soldiers but the loss of the lives of innocent children, and the devastation left behind.

I was struck by a picture I saw today – I don’t remember if it was in truthdig or truthout – but it was a photograph with a quote on it about the Vietnam War – or “America’s War,” as the Vietnamese called it.


Yes, that’s it. America’s War.

Buddhist monks during that war set themselves on fire to protest, leaving no scars.

Stick Warbuddhist Games

They didn’t take sides. They protested only the violence.

No one would listen, no one was paying attention, so they set themselves on fire.

There are the scars from the deep wounds of slavery:


the children who were ripped from their mothers on the auction block;

the infants who were stolen by slave masters in the middle of the night and taken to the river where they were used for alligator bait. Screaming children in cages in the water who were eaten by the alligators who were then hit on the head, killed, and used for various things – bags, purses, shoes?

What is the matter with us?

Where did we go wrong?

And the scar from the murder of the 24 year old man, Willie Edwards, a husband and father and civil rights worker, who was kidnapped by the Ku Klux Klan in Alabama and taken to a bridge and forced to jump off.

Slaves and the descendants of slaves tortured, raped, and beaten.

The psychological scars, one would imagine, would be enormous.

How could someone function emotionally, psychologically, after such brutality?

Chris Hedges says in his Truthout article, “The Sublime Madness,” quoting James Baldwin, that the black people replaced freedom, which they didn’t have, with art – with the imagination – the blues – calls and responses – and this kept them going.

Imagination allowed them to transcend their situation.

Imagination allowed them to resist:

“It is only those who can retreat into the imagination, and through their imagination can minister to the suffering of those around them, who uncover the physical and psychological strength to resist,” he writes.

Hedges says that’s what we need today – imagination – as we are hurtling toward disaster like Ahab in Moby Dick.

I have personal scars, we all do, but I have life, so I’ll take them. I could have died in a motorcycle accident I was in when I was in my 30s, but I lived, and that’s when I learned that physical limits, disabilities, a limp, something horrendous, a huge pain like that, can be overcome. I learned, as the poet Diane Wakowski wrote in her poem about scars, that “scars make your body more interesting.”

We can use our scars. Our scars are our stories.

I have no psychological scars when I have love. Love is the answer. I felt it today when I was writing, rewriting, adding quotes, and reading what Martin Luther King said about agape, “the love of God in the heart of man,” the love that allows us to hate the deed without hating the person who is committing the deed.

Love is the foundation.

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Love is the ground.

“We’ve got to love,” he said.

And learn the power of compassion, which makes all scars disappear like Buddhist monks on fire.

We can do it.


Stick Warbuddhist Games Online

Take control of a character:
Mine goldAim and fire
/ Move / Move
Swordwrath(and Magikill Minion)Magikill
AttackStun / Attack
BlockSummon minions
/ Move / Move
Throw Spear / Move
/ Move
Play the game Stick War, one of the biggest most fun, challenging, and addicting stick figure games online. Control your army in formations or play each unit, you have total control. Build units, mine gold, learn the way of the Sword, Spear, Archer, Mage, and even Giant. Destroy the enemy statue, and capture all Territories.
In a world called Inamorata, you're surrounded by discriminate nations devoted to their individual nations technology and struggle for dominance. Each nation has developed its own unique way to defend and attack. Proud of their unique craft they have become obsessed to the point of worship, turning weapons to religion. Each believe that their way of life is the only way, and are dedicated to teaching their polices to all other nations through what there leaders claim as divine intervention, or as you will know it.. war.
The others are known as: 'Archidonis' the way of the archer, 'Swordwrath' the way of the sword, 'Magikill' the way of the mage, and 'Speartons' the way of the Spear.
You are the leader of the nation called 'Order', your way is of peace and knowledge, your people do not worship their weapons as gods. This makes you a mark for infiltration by the surrounding nations. Your only chance to defend is to attack first, and obtain the technologys from each nation along the way.

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