Lest you think I’m a perpetual Pollyanna–I’m not. Just ask my family. They’ll confirm that I do have my off-days or less than stellar moments. The roast will burn, an idea will fizzle, or temptation will seize me (usually in the form of chocolate).
That being said, I do tend to be a motivated, upbeat kind of gal. Not because I haven’t walked the valley or known heartache, but because I have hope–that sweet, blessed assurance that God is in control and can change sorrow to serenity in the blink of an eye.
Something that helps me to focus on the positive–I choose to live in the now. It doesn’t mean I don’t set goals or aim higher. It means I try to maintain an apostle Paul-like mentality and concentrate on words like contentment, today, and Christ.
You may ask, “Well, Cindy, how can I be happy TODAY?”
- How to be happy - Get latest news on How to be happy. Read Breaking News on How to be happy updated and published at Zee News.
- 64 For French, log onto tf1.fr and listen to Le Journal de 13h or 20h, a popular news channel on French TV. You can also listen to French news on rfi.fr and radiofrance.fr. General language advice. 65Do not learn off big long essays on every topic. You will get bogged down and become disheartened.
Okay. Grab a pen and pad OR print this post.
Just some news and thoughts from a recent video by John Heisz. Happy New Year folks, i hope 2017 is kind to you all.Brendan.
1. Today’s a new day. An automatic do-over.
2. At least one person loves you. Guess who!
3. You’re one day closer to your dream. Don’t doubt. Get going!
4. You’re wiser than you were yesterday. Knowledge trumps indecision.
5. You are God’s masterpiece.Truly. You’re exquisite.
6. You are a blessing. Someone somewhere benefits from who you are and what you do.
Raft warswatermelon gaming. 7. You can see. (You’re reading this blog post, right?)
8. Circumstances are ever-changing. Rest assured, the muck of the moment isn’t forever.
9. You’re not here by accident. God has a plan.
10. You have choices. It’s true! You do.

11. No one can do what you can do. Your talent is unique.
12. Hope is on your side. God’s cheering you on.
13. A new season is at hand. Opportunities abound.
14. You have influence. To use for good.
15. You’re a vision-caster. Today’s a snapshot of the bigger picture.
16. Someone wants to be your friend. Prepare for a hug.
17. There is light at the end of the tunnel. You’re going to make it.
18. Creativity is free. Tap into it.
19. Beauty surrounds you. Pick your colors and paint your world.
20. There’s plenty of chocolate to go around. It’s a God-thing!
What would you add to the list?
How do YOU stay focused on the NOW?
Additional Words of Encouragement:
Why to Be Content in the NOW: 20 Encouraging Thoughts (Click to Tweet)
Not in Your Happy Groove Yet? 20 Reasons Why You Should Be (Click to Tweet)
Photo Credit: adwriter/Creative Commons
Blessings Always,
The Timbuktu Academy of Science and Technology is a K-8 Detroit public charter school with an African-centered educational philosophy. Located in Detroit’s inner city, the school’s population of 351 students — 100 percent African-American. More than 95 percent qualify for free or reduced lunch. The goals of the African-centered philosophy are to infuse pride and self-determination in the students, assist with character building and to produce well-educated students.
Since students’ brains are involved in learning, behavior, and emotions, teachers should know as much as possible about the brain. Implementing a brain-friendly, “happiness school” culture and informing teachers about how the students’ brains react in various social interactions in the classroom have positive effects on student learning and behavior. Faculty and staff training sessions have been conducted in these areas, and periodic training is conducted throughout the school year on these subjects.
Brain research on how students learn and how students brains react in social interactions, shared with classroom educators, gives all indications that it is possible to change a school culture, improve student behavior, increase the focus on academics and improve the overall functioning of an inner-city school. Faculty trained in brain education-curriculum designed and implemented a staff training session to build a brain-friendly happiness school culture, which consists of a caring, tough-love discipline approach, high expectations, believing in the students, seeing greatness in every student and personally connecting and bonding with them. Experience has taught us that a caring, loving, and personal connection with each student is good for their brains, learning and improving behavior.
In the training faculty were also introduced to “whole brain teaching instruction” — how important it is to teach with the brain in mind, in terms of multisensory techniques. In addition, they were taught about how critical it is to know how various social interactions in the classroom impacts the behavior of students and their willingness to be attentive and open to learning. One of the keys to learning stressed in the faculty training sessions was about a happiness school culture and why it is important for the students’ brains.
News And Notesteach To Be Happy Hour
Happiness School Culture
The happiness school culture encourages the faculty and staff to smile and maintain a positive attitude at all times. They are encouraged to praise and uplift students, greet students and parents every morning with smiles and warmth, and eliminate hostility and yelling at students. This culture is uplifting, and it seems to make the students happy.
Factory ballsobey games. A few of the happiness school tenets:
- Safe, caring, loving, and orderly school and classrooms are the norm.
- Make a powerful connection with each student by getting to know all students well.
- A happy smile on the face of everyone at all times.
- Always approach students in a calm, caring, and respective manner.
- The rights and comforts of others are valued and a way of daily life.
- A sense of humor is celebrated.
- The curriculum and teaching strategies promote student learning, happiness, health, self-esteem, self-confidence, and inner peace.
The new happiness school culture has a powerful positive effect on students’ brains, resulting in a positive impact on student behavior and motivation to learn, reducing discipline problems, and increasing success in the classroom.
It is critical for the administration, teachers, and staff to build powerful personal connections with each student, demonstrate they care and avoid expressing anger toward the students. Students seem to listen to teachers when they know they care. The power of personal bonding with students can help some students to shed their angry posturing and can lead to enhancing the internal motivation of students to learn and succeed.
News And Notesteach To Be Happy Wishes
Student motivation is further enhanced when others — peers, parents/guardians — acknowledge/recognize the student’s success. The teacher’s personal connection with students, as well as the students being recognized for their successes, can lead to students feeling good about themselves. This combination can have a positive impact on enhancing self-esteem, self-confidence, and motivation to continue to learn. Eventually, the students will get an “I can do it” attitude.